UNHCR – Emergency Cash Distribution to Refugees in Pakistan: A Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) Survey
Client: UNHCR Project Description: Isrsd is conducting a Post Distribution Monitoring Survey (PDM) of UNHCR’s Emergency Cash Distribution to Refugees in Pakistan to gather information about Cash-Based Initiatives (CBI) objectives, coping strategies, and spending habits, and quality of the distribution process to Refugees in Pakistan. So far, we have gathered primary data through direct interviews of individual […]
NORC – Endline Impact Evaluation of Pakistan Reading Project
Client: NORC at the University of Chicago Project Description: Isrsd has been actively extending support to the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) to carry out the Pakistan Reading Project’s Endline Impact Evaluation; PRP is a seven-year national program launched in July 2013; quality of reading instructions in over 23,000 public schools throughout the country. For this evaluation […]
World Bank/IFC – Market Research for Renewable Energy Solutions in the Industrial States Across Pakistan
Client: World Bank/IFC Project Description: Isrsd is currently engaged with IFC and implements the Phase-III of IFC’s ‘Field Survey of Selected Industrial Estates and Zones of Pakistan Project’ after completing Phase-I and II. For now, we are conducting comprehensive surveys to update the data points collected under the research’s Phase I & II. To execute this study, […]